It’s so simple:

We bring goats to your property.

They eat!

By choosing natural treatment for your property, you are choosing healthier soil, increased biodiversity and a greener future.

We assess every job in person.

We walk every property to learn about your goals for the plot, and make sure that there are no hazards for our four-legged employees. We can give you a good idea about timelines and probable outcomes for your project.

We set each job up for success.

On or before the first day of your project, a trained and insured herder will set up low-voltage electric-net fencing. Fencing serves to keep the goats contained within the targeted grazing areas, and also keeps predators out.

We provide transport and care.

Our goats travel to you by bus or trailer, and live onsite for the duration of your job. We provide daily care and observation, providing our goats fresh water, supplemental nutrition and lots of love! The herd is secured on the bus or in the trailer each night for safety and comfort.

We work with you to reach long term goals.

We ensure that you have a clear understanding of each project start to finish, and offer an in depth review of the native and invasive plant species on your site. We will make maintenance recommendations and develop a long term plan to maintain the progress our goats create!